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3 Ways to Find the Right Addiction Treatment Program


Addiction is a disease that tears families apart and ruins lives. No matter what the source of the addiction may be, most are powerless to overcome it on their own.

Thankfully, there are many drug, alcohol, and general addiction treatment programs that are designed to help victims learn new behaviors and coping mechanisms. Without question, with the right education people can break free from their addictions and learn to heal. Living in recovery allows people to live completely separate from previous temptations and bad habits- lives that aren't dictated by their addictions and impulses.

At Shapiro Zwanetz & Lake, we know how devastating addiction can be, and we know how vital it is for the people suffering to get the treatment they deserve-especially when their conditions caused them to encounter serious legal trouble.

If you or someone you love was charged with a crime due to addiction-related behaviors, we're here to help. Call us today at (410) 927-5137 or complete our online consultation form to get in touch with our legal team.

Addiction is an epidemic in the U.S. The Surgeon General says that one in seven Americans will face a substance use disorder during their lifetime – but sadly only 10 percent of people suffering will receive treatment for their conditions.

Making the decision to enter an addiction treatment program can be life-changing, but it's also one that should never be taken lightly or done without research and deep thought. Drug and alcohol treatment facilities are not one size fits all, and what works for one person may not work for another.

Whether you're looking for a drug treatment facility for yourself or a loved one, be sure to consider the following three factors when evaluating your options:

1. Does the program have the resources and network to help you?

For people suffering from substance use disorders, any treatment program is better than no treatment at all. But addiction affects victims differently, and while some may require only occasional behavioral care-related visits, others may require more intense in-patient therapy that includes detoxification programs, medication-assisted treatment, and even sober living arrangements.

In addition, non-intensive drug/alcohol treatment programs typically involve treating just the addiction by itself, and therapy sessions may be group-based and only around one hour in length. More intensive addiction treatment programs, however, may be individual-based and last for three or more hours at a time. They also may involve holistic approaches that tackle the root cause of addiction, including anger management classes, trauma therapy, and relapse prevention courses.

It's important to be honest with yourself, or your loved one about the severity of your/their addiction. That knowledge will help you be able to find a program that matches well with your needs.

2. Is the program a good fit for you personally?

Even if you find a drug/alcohol treatment program that's well-matched for your specific needs and the root causes of your condition, it may not be ideally suited for you as a person.

For example, some drug and alcohol treatment facilities may be focused on teenagers and young adults, while others may be geared towards the needs of older adults and even senior citizens. Be sure to ask about the demographics of attendees, the language used during meetings/classes, and if the program is inpatient how the program deals with men and women living under the same roof.

No matter how well designed and supported a drug treatment facility may be, the patients who enroll will only reach their true potential if they're able to relate to the counselors and therapists who provide care. That's also true for a group-based therapy, as patients are more likely to participate in discussions and activities if they feel like they're among peers who are experiencing similar hurdles in their lives.

3. Will you be able to attend treatment sessions whenever you need them?

Ideally, people who need help would be able to receive around-the-clock access to treatment centers, programs, and therapist. But not everyone has that luxury. Most people have responsibilities and obligations, including full-time jobs. In addition, treatment programs must be conveniently located and within relatively easy driving distance for them to be viable options for many patients.

Some addiction treatment centers are flexible and make it easy for patients to receive the care they need. For example, they may have evening or weekend hours for individual and group therapy. Others, however, may only be open during business hours.

Being unable to access care makes even the best addiction treatment programs ineffective. Be sure to verify that the program you're looked into matches up well with your lifestyle, your location, and your daily schedule.

Another important factor to disclose to a potential program is the root cause of one's use disorder, as some programs are geared towards substance abuse issues, including drugs and alcohol, while others are geared towards behavioral addictions.

Finally, you should always research what others have to say about a particular addiction treatment program. Search for peer reviews and patient testimonials. A simple tour of a facility can tell you a lot! Taking these extra steps can help you determine which program might be the most effective for you.

Finding the ideal addiction treatment program may seem daunting, but a few web searches and phone calls will help you narrow down your choices. Make a list of things that are must-haves in your addiction treatment, and cross off any programs that don't meet those needs.

Eventually, you'll narrow down your list to just a few programs that have the treatment protocols you need, are staffed with care-providers you can relate to, and that are locally based and available when you need them.

David Zwanetz recently sat down with Danny Brannon, the owner of Right Turn/Impact, one of Maryland's premier alcohol and drug treatment facilities, for a riveting two hour discussion about his life, his drug treatment facility, and substance use disorders in general. If you are in need, it may be worth your time to give Episode 6 ,"Tales from the Dark Side," of Legal Rights Radio a listen as Danny's stories and background give a vivid glimpse into where many people with substance abuse disorder are, and, in contrast, with the right treatment and education where they can end up. Listen on iTunes.
