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Teen Drug Abuse


The law recognizes that a teenager under the age of 18 is not an adult. At the same time, local officials understand that teen drug abuse is creating problems. Did you or your teen make contact with law enforcement due to illicit substance use? If so, you may need legal representation to navigate the court system.

Teen Drug Abuse Remains an Ongoing Problem

Maryland teens have been struggling with alcohol and marijuana abuse for years. Statistics suggest that some types of drug abuse are becoming less common among teens. However, heroin, Ecstasy, meth, and steroids are increasing in popularity among youth. Alongside those, prescription drug abuse figures are holding steady.

It’s easy for a teen to get involved with law enforcement when it comes to teen drug abuse. It doesn’t matter if it was his or her first time using or not. Legal cases involving juvenile delinquency in Maryland don’t typically make this differentiation. Legal representation can make a difference in the way your teen recovers from the experience.

Work With Attorneys Who Will Be by Your Side

Teen drug abuse can be the wake-up call that someone needs help. Many adolescents have undiagnosed anxiety or mood disorders that they thought would get better by self-medicating. They often have no idea how to ask for help with these situations. Burdening them with a court case as well is not the answer.

An attorney who works side by side with you can make the difference. Examples of possible options include:

  • Requests for an informal level of handling the case
  • Avoidance of formal prosecution, jail time, and a criminal record
  • Rigorous defense in cases that do go to trial
  • Full transparency that ensures you feel comfortable with the events and understand what is happening
  • Around-the-clock availability of an emergency contact, who will answer the phone and answer questions

Rather than legal punishment, your teen needs treatment for drug abuse. Ending up in court or worse is not the best answer. Some parents believe in tough love and letting their teens sweat it out. Although practical for a few, it’s not a good idea for most.

How Treatment Makes a Difference

Statistics mean little when your teen is at the heart of a drug problem. Several drug treatment centers provide care for adolescents and young adults. Moreover, your teen may not necessarily have to live at the facility to get help. Some offer partial hospitalizations or intensive outpatient programs that provide care without disrupting your child’s life.

If your teen struggles with a co-occurring mood disorder or anxiety, they can receive treatment for that, too. Enrolling in a program can be as easy as making a phone call and talking to an intake advisor. Do you need help with overcoming teen drug abuse as well as legal problems? Shapiro Zwanetz & Lake can assist with the latter.

Don’t hesitate and get the legal representation that’s right for your family. Call (410) 927-5137 today for more information about teen drug abuse cases, criminal defense, and to schedule an appointment.